sneak-peek at how we are increasing social media followers! 2 months of work paying off!!

by | Feb 8, 2021 | KeySignaturesInc Journey, Journal, Lifestyle | 2 comments

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Patience is a virtue that I don’t have. Increasing Social Media followers requires this. I’m screwed.

Not too long ago I blogged about being a sucky blogger. Honestly, that hasn’t changed.

Reading has been the epicenter of my week.

Thinking I’m starting to figure things out. Time will tell. One day at a time.

I learn new words everyday. I go down rabbit holes of information and click throughs – there’s some really happy bloggers out there that had their numbers go up exponentially this past weekend.

Finding my voice a little more. Crappy and sucky seem to be okay words from almost everyone. I’ll think about my potty mouth a little more in the future. I mean, I do want my mom to read this.

Only one comment on Instagram had me questioning myself.

My sucking as a blogger post needs to be reworked because I sent myself into overdrive on Instagram. BIG whoopsie there. I’m still pretty sure that I have unfulfilled obligations on some of the pages that I love.

Overall, I am so happy to be increasing social media followers.

Alrighty then – Here is a list of the new words and actions that I am taking this week.

PS – still have only earned 2 pennies since I have seriously started trying January 4th 2021

New words I have learned – and no, they are not curse words

No cursing for gaining pinterest followers
  • EverGreen – is search-optimized content that is continually relevant and stays “fresh” for readers over a long period of time. One of the examples that I liked was a headline “Today Forbes Announced 30 Under 30” The Evergreen version would be, “Forbes 30 Under 30”. Several hour lost down the rabbit hole of research only to be considered gained in knowledge. How do ya like that?
  • Meta – The meta description is an HTML attribute on a web page that explains what the page is about. In other words, the meta description describes the page. I did not know any of this. I kept seeing it in the #YoastSEO thingy on the bottom of my page, but I had no idea, I was too busy trying to get content out so I could pin it.
  • Cache – I kinda already knew this. Except that apparently, my computer and website don’t like each other very much and BOTH #bluehost and #wordpress told me I had to clear it. Ummmm, I did. Like, a thousand times. Alas, a problem for future me.
  • Lists – OK – that’s not a new word. HOWEVER, I did learn that people LOVE to read lists. TA DA!

My Favorite Blog Help Sites

Some are still the same. Some are new. All have been fabulous with the learning curve.

increasing social media followers

That’s just the tip of the iceberg of what I am gaining. Again, these are the pages that I am MOST working with at the moment for increasing social media followers. I have another page that I am loving right now that I will share about next time.

I also started working on #pinterest Create A Story Pin. This is interesting and I don’t know about it enough. I threw together 2 with content from the shop we’re developing. My first one is almost up to 8K impressions. It grew in real time. So strange

I signed up for several different emails that all have slightly different approaches in growing traffic. I certainly hope that one day I can put together my own list of how I got to where I am.

STILL trying to figure out how the monetization is going to work for me. I sell home decor and personalized celebration names <<<< I’m getting better at this.

The avenue of printables doesn’t seem to step in line with what I do. There’s time to figure that out.

Speaking of time. I have no concept of time/time management. Keeping up the house, Boys are home schooling 3 days a week, Running my Piano studio and reading and writing are SUCKING the time away from me!!! ACK! Send help. Lots of it.



  1. Lisa Joy

    I think you are doing A wonderful job with your blog. I love reading it. The struggles are real. Lol.

    • keysignaturesinc

      Thank you so much! Thank you for being such a great supporter and amazing friend!~



  1. SEo. Backlinks. Pingbacks. ~ KeySignaturesInc Improve blog traffic - […] have backlinked to several websites in previous posts and I’m not about to stop […]
  2. Roundup of 17+ outstanding blogging information pages ~ KeySignaturesInc - […] start counting January 2021 as the real deal because I upgraded my website. I am trying to keep posts…

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