6 ridiculously random Weekend fun activites Round 3

by | Sep 17, 2022 | KeySignaturesInc Journey | 0 comments

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Our bi monthly guide to weekend fun – rain or shine

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Spring is in the air – and so is the pollen. UGH!

We just got through the one week of spring where it was nice enough to open windows. And now, we stayed locked up tight again for another month.

I LOVE this time of year – but definitely not for the allergies.
The sense of renewal. Warm sunshine on your face. Birds chirping, trees budding. A renewed sense of hope!!!

So this time around, I’m going to stick with a few more indoor type activities.


weekend fun or multiple weekends!

April showers, blah, blah, blah This one goes without much instruction. But what about a series?!?

  • Star Wars
  • Lord of the Rings
  • Star Trek
  • The Godfather
  • Harry Potter
  • Twilight
  • Lethal Weapon
  • Marvel Movies in Sequetial Order
  • Batman
  • Toy Story
  • Back to the Future
  • How to Train Your Dragon
  • The Matrix
  • Planet of the Apes
  • Indiana Jones (Raider’s of the Lost Ark)
  • John Wick
  • The Jason Bourne Series
  • X-Men
  • Mission:Impossible
  • Kung Fu Panda
  • Rocky
  • The Terminator
  • James Bond

This is just a smattering of ideas. Some are family friendly. Some are DEFINITELY NOT!!

Check the ratings before committing to anything – I take no responsibility for your child being sad or scared or anything else along those lines for your lack of due diligence

Circling back for a moment on this idea, this next one actually takes some planning and also needs to be conveniently located at a venue near you.

Several years ago, I found an advertising for the first Harry Potter movie being shown at Radio City Music Hall with the New Jersey Symphony Orchestra playing the soundtrack during the showing.

HOLY MOLY! What an experience.
Such a good experience that it is now a semi annual tradition with my oldest son and several of his friends.

I have always been a fan of HP but this just sent it over the edge for me and the music teacher in me.

Every 6 months or so, they would release the next movie and I would make sure to get the same seats almost always for the kids. It’s become a mission!

We like to go to the early afternoon showing. We show up early and go to a restaurant and pig out. Then we’re off to the theatre to enjoy the show.

NJPAC in Newark NJ

The concert series moved there after the Radio City show. What a great place – I never mind the 2 hour drive time

The saddest part about this is Covid. We are on the last 2 movies now and they have been rescheduled so many times that the kids may be in college by the time the last movie is actually scheduled. I’m going to make them come home for a long, fun weekend!!

Harry Potter isn’t the only movie that does this. Many years ago, Disney’s Fantasia was remastered and rereleased in the same manner. I won tickets on the radio to go see that one. It was so impressive.

I’ve seen Star Wars movies advertised, as well as The Nightmare Before Christmas. I’m sure there are tons more being done just like this.

Check your local venues/theatres/cultural facilities to see if there’s anything available like this near you. So while you can’t do this on a whim, a little prep makes this an incredibly fun day!

fun with food

I know I have talked about food for now the third post in a row. But, our lives revolve around some kind of food or diet, so, it’s always going to be there.

Have you ever tried to teach yourself how to use chopsticks?

I’m terrible at it. I believe there is a finesse there that I do not have. At all. Nope. But, you should absolutely try it out for yourself! (Hmmm – thinking I need to order Chinese food for take out tonight now……..)

Homemade butter. I’m just going to post a link right here.


To the point. https://toriavey.com/toris-kitchen/homemade-butter/

And so simple to do – especially if you want the arm workout.

Speaking of workout…………

couch to 5k

Has anyone done this recently?

Me? I’m a walker. I have terrible knees.

However, I do WALK the 5k’s especially when it’s a charity run. I actually enjoy them very much.

When walking with friends, I will find myself sashaying to keep them motivated – not quite a jog – most definitely not graceful, but keeps the troops moving.

and now for something completely different

Alrighty then – change of pace.

My oldest son is now 16. We were in line at DMV at age 16 and 1 minute

Immediately, we had him signed up for Driver’s Ed.

A few things happened here. Because of Covid restrictions, my husband and I were the teachers (yeah – watch out!)

So, we had our own courses to read and watch while my son did his thing.

There was an entire chapter on car care.

Now, truth be told, I haven’t thought about it because I go to my mechanic 3 times a year (I don’t get out much) and have him do all the things. I trust him (another important thing so I don’t get ripped off) so when he tells me something more than my oil change has to be done, we roll with it.

In the past, I knew exactly how to check fluid levels. I can use a jack on my car. I don’t know that I would have the strength to remove lug nuts though.
I read a tire gauge and fill my tires to the correct pressure. I can also call AAA

As we discussed this with him, we’ve come to the realization that cars now REQUIRE a mechanic most of the time. The newer the model, the more difficult it is to become a driveway mechanic.

Fortunately, our son has inherited his Great Grandmother’s car, so he gets to play driveway mechanic for a little while. Good for him to know the basics. And who knows, maybe he’ll get a side gig on the weekends working on cars because he loves it so much.

Point being, maybe take a refresher on the basics or teach your kid about changing a tire. It’s all fine and good with a cell phone until you are in a dead zone. It’s the little things.

Weekends are for sawdust around here, but I guess playing Grease Monkey works too.

OK OK – I know I said I was staying indoors primarily for this post but I would be remiss if I did not lead into something I did for my husband a few years ago.

Stock car race experience

weekend fun

We drove to Pennsylvania for a weekend with friends and all the wives pitched in to get the guys a driving experience.

I don’t think my husband stopped smiling for a week – even when he was at a job he hated LOL

I know that this was also offered in Phoenix, AZ as my brother also got to have an experience as well. I believe that was a 40th birthday surprise.

My mom did one in Daytona (where she earned her nickname Momma Andretti – and her lead foot too)

And that concludes this edition of What to do when You are Bored at Home.

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Don’t forget to check out our other posts with more fun-tastic ideas that can be done solo, duo, squad or family!




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