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kickass Female bloggers free e-courses
So, here I am, coming up on a year blogging – but only like my 5th month for reals. In this time I have learned one major truth about myself.
I am a freebie HOARDER!!
The first few months of blogging, it was all about writing about the stuff that we were building at home – the sweet 16 names and home decor that we’re trying to figure out.
Then it all slowed down and I was just not happy at all with what I was doing on the website.
I did some research, got out of my wix website and got myself a bluehost/wordpress blog.
Best thing that I did for myself. Seriously. When you read it enough times from other bloggers who, from what I have researched, are successful, you should listen.
However, once again, I rushed into it. I wanted to get moving and have it done yesterday.
I jumped onto Facebook and came across
The group was inviting and everyone was helpful immediately. When you see that there are over 232K members, you might be onto something.
Heather and Pete Reese at certainly know what they are doing. I already had my domain, and with their assitance, I was self hosting in no time (ta da! you’re looking at it right now!)
Building my site has and is arduous. I am definitely not even close to having it set up to what I want it to be. But it’s a place that I can still work from and learn something new every day that I want to add or change.
I am constantly hearing about how I need to change my theme (which is Divi right now) because the one that was built for me is slowing me down (for page loading time). I haven’t figured out how all those metrics work yet, but I’m learning.
Back to hoarding………
I am a reader. I also, like in my last post, have shiny object syndrome. So, every time I see another blog post or free ecourse, I download it. So many folders in my email account it’s ridiculous.
However, I only save what has truly helped me. soooooo………….
I have gone back to the beginning of my emails to find all the best of the best FREE ecourses that I use (and continue to use)
Having gone back to truly organize and share what I have, I realized, everything that I saved was from female bloggers!
Kickass, talented, ridiculously smart, and generous female bloggers that are all about helping OTHER women get their asses motivated and become succesful!
I have gathered together my favorite free ecourses that these women offer.
Remember, everyone’s teaching style is different. If you are finding that someone else’s approach isn’t working for you, you have quite a list to choose from that speaks to you more personally.
Let’s get started!
As always, Sasha Lassey, Everyday She’s Sparkling, has a plethora of free information to give away! It’s astonishing to know that there is so much more to be taught and learn because there is so much information in this starter kit –
I quite often return to this freebie and make sure that I am doing all the things. I have a tendency to find that I am forgetting to do things on occasion and this guide helps me to remember and go back to posts to polish up. (PS – always go back and polish up every few months – you want to make sure all your affiliate links are working properly)
Sasha’s courses include from setting up your blog to marketing and everything in between and beyond
Going to the beyond, Sasha also has a free social media crash course! Check it out here –
Another blogger I fangirl over is Cate Rosales! – Cate is also a teacher for setting up, growing and monetizing your blog.
You can go right to her website and she has all her information and courses listed right in the heading of her homepage.
Sign up for her emails as well and you’ll receive even more information and post updates.
Of course, I can’t leave out the baby of my two favorite bloggers!!! – Sasha and Cate offer a FREE MASTERCLASS!! It’s amazing – they are so easy to listen to and learn from. Monthly live training and Q&A sessions as well if you sign up for their program.
If you go to my previous post, I have their Facebook groups listed as well.
Lena – offers a traffic course. This free resource offers tips and tricks on how to increase traffic to your blog.
She also has awesome “paid for” courses that you should seriously look into as well if you are serious about growing your blog traffic! Check it out here –
I love Lena’s approach to teaching. She is like minded in the fact that we CAN have a blog with multiple subjects – I have a hard time niching down and Lena’s paid for course is super helpful
I have started implementing her ideas on my site and I am so happy with the way that it is coming together. For a very modest price, I feel it was worth the investment!!
Next up, Blogging for New Bloggers.
This is an entire series of free and paid for courses.
I personally paid for the Legal Bundles Value Pack. Protecting yourself and your blog is so important – there’s a lot of little things that you don’t think of as being part of a blogger and being legal is one of them.
Once I had all my legal pages in order, I felt that I was accepted to more affiliate programs as well.
Marina and Lucrezia have taken all the legal mumbo jumbo and made it very easy for you to legalize your blog. Seriously, read through the freebie stuff and then you’ll want to make the investment for your blog too.
This link will take you to ALL courses that are available. –
As you go through the site and see everything the sisters have to offer, you will find yourself grateful that they have done most of the work for you.
Kate Ahl – owner of – I recently just took a free Pinterest Marketing Challenge that she offered and I could not believe how much I had learned from her and her team!!
She offers great freebies right on her homepage. When you sign up for her newsletter you get a Pinterest Keyword Guide that is tremendously helpful in making your seasonal content count. Be sure to click on her free resources as well. You won’t regret it!!
Her next Pinterest marketing Challenge as of this writing is October 2021. GET YOUR NAME ON THE LIST!!! So informative! Live Q & A! Daily emails!
But be prepared to work. If you don’t implement what you have learned, you are leaving money on the table.
Maliha at has quite the library of freebies. Right on her home page, Maliha has a free 10 day bootcamp for new bloggers.
From beginner blogging to logo designing and more, Maliha also has a “paid for” course that teaches you how to make printables on Canva for SIDE income!
Her website is loaded with great ideas. Sign up for email list and you will receive the password to her freebie course library. Totally worth it and like everyone else on this list, she doesn’t spam you with emails!!
Ana – is another lovely lady that helps with blog traffic and monetization of your site.
Ana has even more tips for you to learn. Ana has many free ecourses for you to download and also many more “paid for” courses for you to get in on.
Ana is running a promotion right now for creating a year’s worth of content in a month. Check out the link here –
Recently I came across Nadalie Bardo. Her site is
I REALLY like her YouTube Channel.
I never feel like she’s talking AT me. It always seems like I’m having a conversation with her.
Nadalie is a Pinterest Goddess. LOL! She knows all the ins and outs of Pinterest and shares so much information on her channel.
I was listening to her #goalslayer masterclass and it really struck a chord with me. I had a renewed sense of accomplishments afterwards and ready to take my next steps. I highly recommend adding Nadalie to your list of “must check out!”
Next up, Dale from Blogging Her Way. Right on her front page is a free list of 150+ profitable niche ideas! Sign up! What are you waiting for!?
I invested in her course Get Paid to Pin
Very informative 42 page ecourse that walks you through how to make money using your Pinterest account. Affiliate marketing through Pinterest can be tremendously profitable if done right!
Michelle from Making Sense of Cents has many free ecourses on her site. However, she is wildly known in the blogging world for her very indepth course Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing
My first BIG purchase was Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. The reviews that I had read were glowing. One review that I had read was exactly how I felt about it as well.
The very beginning of the course was truly for newbies that have no idea about affiliate marketing.
After the first few modules, I learned SO MUCH from Michelle. The amount of information put into this book is insane. Lifetime access to the course plus any additional information that she may add down the line.
Also, her lessons were different from those that I learned from Dale in her Get Paid to Pin course.
If you are looking to monetize your site and looking for a strategy that is going to work for you in the long run, I highly suggest giving Michele’s course a go.
Kristin at is a CANVA wizard!!! I was introduced to her through Sandra Lassey when they did a masterclass together. She offers a free on demand training Pin Design Workshop.
You will definitely want to check out what Kristin has to offer. I started seeing HUGE changes in my PInterest numbers once I started implementing her design ideas into my pins.
Personally, I don’t think I have fully figured out my “style” – I continue to play – but at least I have a color palette to work with and that’s a start.
Debbie Gartner is an SEO queen!! Her blog is chock full of home decor ideas AND SEO tips and tricks.
Debbie has many free and “paid for” ecourses. I recently read Google Analytics Easy as 1,2,3 and at first glance, thought I would be completely overwhelmed by it. But Debbie quite effortlessly explains the ins and outs of Google Analytics.
Her freebie is that has the dos and dont’s for blog traffic.
The other course I will eventually get my hands on of hers is Journey to the Center of Amazon so that I can understand that affiliate program more clearly.
Lastly, for now, is Kate Doster of
Kate is an Email Marketing Guru!!!
Right on her front page, you can sign up for her email list and receive 2 years worth of email ideas.
I love getting emails from Kate. Her personality is fun and her emails are entertaining and not spammy. You’ll even be called Homeslice more than once! LOL!
final thoughts
A few things to keep in mind……..
This list of female bloggers is absolutely kick ass in my opinion (and since this is my page, my opinion is highly rated around here)
“Paid for” courses range in price. Due diligence is key. I like to read up on reviews of products before the investment.
If I feel that the ROI (return on investment – I personally only learned these letters recently) is going to be worth it in the end, I’ll spend the money.
I hope this list has helped you out in some way. All of these outstanding female bloggers are going to be my “go to’s” for quite some time.
So there you have it – 13 of my most favorite Badass Female Bloggers that have shown me the ropes over the past few months.
Who do you recommend that I should be learning from as well?
Do you yourself have a freebie that you want to share with the world? Drop it in the comments below AND I’ll add it to my next blog post!
Thanks so much for checking us out again!
We are so excited to share with you what we are learning as newish bloggers ourselves.