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So many of my friends and family took advantage of the initial 2 week quarantine back in March of 2020. Keeping themselves busy by purging their homes, reorganizing their lives, while the kids were just starting to try to get used to online learning.
Purging led to town problems not being able to keep up with the amount of garbage being picked up. But they didn’t have to blame us. Nope! We didn’t get the purge bug.
We found the personal organization route to not fit us at the time. Instead, we stared at the TV, took the dog for walks and tried to keep ourselves entertained. Helped the kids as best we could with their work. Made adjustments to our work days. Blah, blah, blah. We’ve heard it all before.
Here we are January of ’21.
We’ve all got a good routine of things by this point – I mean, after 10 months, we really should, right? Well, it didn’t take until now to see that I am in desperate need of the purging and reorganization.
I started today. This week I will be going back to teaching piano after an extended vacation. After all the fun we’ve been having the past few months making video recitals, the piano corner was quite topsy-turvy. Music was spread out all over the top of the piano as well as my desk and music shelf.
I seperated all the music into piles. With our new remote performance season coming up, I pulled out everything that we will be needing for the next few months. I replaced that space with all of the Christmas music that was still spread out in neat piles. I started seperating out music that hasn’t been used in a few years. Method books that I don’t use anymore got put aside.
I can’t believe how much I had accumulated. By removing many books, I was able to make drawer space and even have open desktop space for myself! SCORE!
I LOVE making lists. Drives my husband nuts. I am a pen and paper girl but all of my notes stay organized in a notebook and I scratch off as I get them done. Sometimes I have to turn back several pages in order to get things done. He is 100% all about making lists on his phone. He finds it satisfying to mark those off. Just can’t do it.
I have been thinking about printables. Not a terrible idea for both use and selling. Selling is another avenue to look down AFTER I get the rest of my life together. LOL!
My ability to write things down and then walk away to something new is astounding. I think my brain sometimes sees it as taken care of because I thought to write about it. I often wonder if I have ADHD or I’m just a mom.
What I have been getting better at is setting timers. I have a pile of mail to go through – set the timer for 30 minutes to sort and pay bills.
Bathroom needs to be refreshed, set the timer for 20 minutes and wipe it all down.
It’s the tedious little things that have been sitting forever. I haven’t emptied any closets. Donations aren’t being taken readily. I know they are available but I need someone to come pick them up.
Basically what my life comes down to is that if it weren’t for the last minute, nothing would get done. It’s so true. Painfully true.
Here’s this week’s list of things I want to get done.
- Finish organizing the piano area – dust, vacuum, sanitize
- Run around the den (where piano lives) and fluff pillows for parents that stay
- Get all the extra stuff that has accumulated over the past 2 months out of there and make a new pile for organization.
- Check that room off the list!!!
I’ll set a timer for 90 minutes tomorrow to get that done.
The mail actually HAS piled up over the past 2 weeks. I really do try to discard junk immediately, but I do usually throw the pile in the house as I am running out to pick the kids up from school. I will probably need another 90 minutes just for that.
The accountability that goes into time stamping everything really does help me out most days.
I would LOVE for you to drop some help for me in the comments! Free housecleaning would be lovely too.