Still Trying to Find the Right Niche

by | Sep 22, 2020 | KeySignaturesInc Journey, Woodworking | 0 comments

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There. I said it. Here I am, 6 weeks into writing this blog and working on our website and honestly, still trying to figure it out. What IS our niche?Maybe I am being a little too hard on myself. I know in the past I’ve written about being patient. It’s just that I have a million ideas running in my head about what I want to do! We are experimenting with so many different avenues. One might think that we should have multiple websites and blogs because of the vast difference in what we like to do. Music lessons, cooking, woodworking designs, crafting. How does that ALL fit together? Is it lifestyle? Is it following passions? Is it crazy to think that we have to settle for one????Personally, no. I don’t think we need to. We ARE a little bit of everything. What’s that Donny and Marie song? (I’m really not THAT old, just came up in a trivia question recently …………..LOL!)We are going to try to do it all. If it takes a year to REALLY find what it is that we do, then fabulous. Almost all of the bloggers that I read say that they wish they could talk to themselves a year ago to say what to do and what not to do. I’m quite sure we’re going to find ourselves there at some point. The truth is is that I am really having fun trying to figure out what we’re doing. I love my partner in crime. He encourages my ideas. Minus the glitter, he’s really enjoying seeing the ideas come to life. He gets to work with his tools more and more. Pulling out tools that he forgot he had!!

And thus, another day of our jouney begins again. Using the child labor that I raised, we’re back at it with the wine bottle cleaning today. Super excited about the new projects lined up for this weekend to see how much we enjoy/don’t enjoy. Still trying to remember to take more pictures. That’s something I definitely have to continue to work on. Baby steps, right?




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